Looking for that

blessed hope,

and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ;

Titus 2:13

Welcome to

Blessed Hope Christian Fellowship

We are a group of Christians who strive pattern our lives after our Lord Jesus Christ and endeavor to live out the Biblical teachings of brotherhood.

Listen to Recorded Sermons

We invite you to be encouraged, edified, and changed by the preaching of God's Holy Word. Our desire is that Christ be magnified and His Kingdom furthered. 

Discipleship Resources

To be a true disciple of Jesus Christ, one must forsake his or her passions and self-life to live out Jesus' teachings. To explore some helpful resources please follow the link below.

Reading That Will Inspire

The Longing Prayers of a Sister

"Oh God, make me a woman… who has God first in every area of my life; wholly devoted to the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit...."
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"Let’s make this personal—there could be areas of drift in my life. We need to help each other before we all drift into ruin."
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This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that

God is light,


Titus 2:13

Songs and Hymns

Listen to a collection of songs and hymns that both teach and inspire true faith in God.

What We Believe

Who is God? What does the Bible teach about divorce and remarriage? Find answers to these and many other questions.

Contact Us

We welcome your questions, e-mails, letters, and phone calls! Visitors are always welcome.

Which way will you choose?

The Bible teaches clearly about two ways. The narrow way is sparsely traveled, difficult, but leads to life eternal while the broad way has many travelers, is an easy route, but leads to eternal death. Today, the question waits to be answered: Which way will you choose?

The Narrow Way

The Broad Way


5842 KY-910
Windsor, KY 42565
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