"I was a young girl full of desires and ambitions. One of them was to someday be swept off my feet by “Prince Charming"...However, as time progressed “Prince Charming” never…
Anabaptists and Evangelicals have many things in common. However, from it's origin they do have some major differences. Here are some and why they mater...
"The Scriptures plainly teach in different parts that a man should die to sin—that is, separate himself from it—in his spirit; be spiritually buried and rise again to a life…
"Be not discouraged if you have to suffer from unconverted relatives. Perhaps very shortly the Lord may give you the desire of your heart, and answer your prayer for them..."
"Dear brothers, what I’m speaking about here is not a New Testament option. This is a New Testament imperative. It is not an option....It’s time to have Judgment Day early."
"Natural health care remedies are good, right, and a blessing from God. Supernatural remedies, except for prayer and anointing with oil, are strictly forbidden by God..."