"The Scriptures plainly teach in different parts that a man should die to sin—that is, separate himself from it—in his spirit; be spiritually buried and rise again to a life…
"Dear brothers, what I’m speaking about here is not a New Testament option. This is a New Testament imperative. It is not an option....It’s time to have Judgment Day early."
"...we don't try to balance faith and works. We don't oppose them. We don't have faith on this side of the seesaw and works on that side. They go together.…
A book Review by Dean Taylor: "Through the Eye of a Needle is a challenging book that hits western Christians where it hurts—the accumulation of wealth..."
"“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). Throughout the history of the world, faithfulness to God has cost men dearly."
"Pacifists are often unwilling to suffer personal reproach quietly as Jesus himself gave us example (I Peter 2:20-23). The world’s greatest need is Jesus, not peace!"
"We have found that the Sabbath is fulfilled in the daily lives of the Christians in this dispensation... It was not transferred to another day, it was a shadow..."
Jesus and the apostles clearly taught a distinction between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world. Jesus told Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world” (John…
Divorce and remarriage is a monstrous evil and there is a pressing need for some clear teaching on the subject. We must be loyal to the Scriptures and not be…