"God’s people have always had to make hard choices. Dealing with giants and idols is nothing new. Let us, like Caleb, rise up with strength and courage to deal with…
"How sad to think of parents' willingness to deceive their children and weaken their children's faith simply for the sake of "fun" and a little excitement."
"Be not discouraged if you have to suffer from unconverted relatives. Perhaps very shortly the Lord may give you the desire of your heart, and answer your prayer for them..."
"Are the parents of the present generation faithful to the sacred duties, which God has imposed upon them? I ask you, O father! I ask you, O mother! Are you…
"...as you commit your life to God, He will give you grace to follow His will for your marriage. As you follow it, your marriage will be to His glory."
"The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing, but in our culture we apply for a curse and reject blessings. Something is wrong with this picture."