"I was a young girl full of desires and ambitions. One of them was to someday be swept off my feet by “Prince Charming"...However, as time progressed “Prince Charming” never…
"Be not discouraged if you have to suffer from unconverted relatives. Perhaps very shortly the Lord may give you the desire of your heart, and answer your prayer for them..."
"Natural health care remedies are good, right, and a blessing from God. Supernatural remedies, except for prayer and anointing with oil, are strictly forbidden by God..."
"In 1557, Brother Hans Brael was arrested for the faith and testimony of Jesus Christ...After three days they put him into a deep, dark and filthy tower, where he couldn’t…
"While it is possible to dress righteously on the outside but still be wicked on the inside, it is impossible to purposely dress wickedly on the outside and remain pure…
"These are some of the traits that generally indicate a carnal heart. By prayer, hold your heart open to the searchlight of God until nothing is hidden."