and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ;
Titus 2:13
Which way will you choose?
The Bible teaches clearly about two ways. The narrow way is sparsely traveled, difficult, but leads to life eternal while the broad way has many travelers, is an easy route, but leads to eternal death. Today, the question waits to be answered: Which way will you choose?
We plan to have our We invite you to join us for our week of boot camp on Date 2-7. To learn more about the Topics, Speakers, and Time, view the PDF file by clicking the link below.
"Bro. Denny loved righteousness... if it was in the Bible, he believed and sought to practice it. But I must also say,...He HATED iniquity! He hated sin."
"How sad to think of parents' willingness to deceive their children and weaken their children's faith simply for the sake of "fun" and a little excitement."
Jesus and the apostles clearly taught a distinction between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world. Jesus told Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world” (John…