She’s free from women’s hair styles which dominate the world.
– Jean Hunter
She needn’t get her hair cut, she needn’t get it curled.
She’s free from wearing make-up, from wearing jewelry, too.
She has an inward beauty shining through.
A liberated woman is free from the demand,
To live and work and act, and be clothed just like a man.
As woman she’s created- her call she thus fulfill.
She know it’s her creator’s perfect will.
The liberated woman is free from fears and doubt;
She’s free from spreading gossip and rumours round about.
She needn’t be impressive nor great in others’ eyes.
Her liberty has made her truly wise.
The liberated woman – a truly loving wife.
A helpmeet to her husband ; their home is frees from strife.
With joy she is submissive; she freedom finds thereby.
Her husband’s heart can safe in her rely.
A liberated woman, as mother she is best.
Her task esteeming greatly; her heart is filled with rest.
Each child God wants to give her, she joyfully receives,
For in God’d perfect guidance she believes.
A liberated mother at home will gladly stay.
She’s free to love her children and care for them each day.
With wise and loving guidance, she leads them firm and sure.
Her children all are happy and secure.
Yes, “women’s liberation” is quite misunderstood,
But blessed for all those who perceive it as they should.
And Jesus plainly tells us that He can set us free,
So seek Him if you want true liberty!